Top 5 Ways to Say Goodbye to Senioritis.


Most underclassmen believe that Senioritis is a joke and is just a term to describe lazy seniors that don’t want to come to school or turn in any sort of homework. So maybe seniors have the seniority to have this very real disease that can lead to academic death, but how is it prevented? If you’re a senior and you are suffering from this illness here are the top five ways to beat the trend.


1.) Set goals to be at school so many days in a row, after all it is your last year of High School you don’t have much longer to go. PACE YOURSELF!!! Set up a reward system such as going to the movies with your friends for every two weeks of school you are present.  It is always a great idea to face a challenge by reward, any psychology enthusiast would tell you this is a form of operant conditioning, as philosophized by B.F. Skinner. This form of conditioning is used to strengthen voluntary behaviors. Therefore if you have a reason to make yourself go to school, you will want to be there.


2.) Remember that nothing lasts forever. Seniors typically have the “Ready to leave the nest” Syndrome; a classic case of I am an adult I can make my own decisions. Seniors have their minds wired to focus on what is around the corner…college. Though it is great to think ahead, colleges will be hard to find for a student who has let their grades slip in the final semester. Don’t let yourself slack. Every positive grade you receive is another step towards college life. It’s the bottom of ninth and the bases are loaded, give yourself a leg up and keep your head in the game.


3.) Join a sport or a club. Most schools offer sports such as football, cheer-leading, marching bands, lacrosse, tennis, track, wrestling, basketball, baseball, softball, and sometimes swim teams. Sure not everyone is athletically coordinated, take it from someone who trips over thin air, but there are clubs that don’t even require you to be physically fit or coordinated. For instance, join a service organization or a book club. Not only will you make friends that have a common interest but it will also increase your initiative. If books aren’t your thing then try joining academic teams such as Quiz Bowl, Public Speaking, or Robotics.


4.) Gain support from your friends! Build each other up to help them from retaining senioritis themselves and they’ll help you to get over it. What are friends for? Most likely they’re dealing with the same problem as you any way or are fighting strongly against it. Talk it out, if they’re your friends they’ll get you through it, with some giggles and major plotting in the process.



5.) EMBRACE THE WEEKEND! I can’t stress this one enough there are only two days you get to recharge and rest before the long 5 day haul. Use your time wisely. My suggestion is to spend one day dedicated to rest and being lazy. Lay on the couch, eat, nap, watch movies, do whatever it is that you do to unwind. Then spend the other day going shopping or going to the movies. As a senior my favorite weekend activity is to go bowling. Other options may include going out to eat or going skating. The sky is the limit, the important thing is to enjoy whatever it is you are going to do.


Note: Though you may not believe it now, there will be a time when you will wish that you were a senior again. Enjoy it now, it is after all your most memorable and exciting year of High School and you only get to do it once. Don’t take anything for granted and appreciate the small things because in the long run, the smallest of joys can lead to the biggest of memories.

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